Thursday, October 7, 2010

At least the weather is better!

Thankfully it has cooled down considerably here in the Dallas area. I hope that where ever you may be running, you are also experiencing this great weather!

This Mommy Jogger is seriously in the throws of "post baby running blues". It hurts. I'm not going to sugar coat it. Getting back out there after a baby is tough! I've had many a morning where my body hurts from shoulder to toe as I creak out of bed. My knees are creaking louder than the crickets chirp. My quads hurt, my shoulders hurt, I'm a mess. That's the awesome Relaxin at work, still. It also doesn't help that I've got arthritis.

But...during my run...those blues are gone. I feel (generally) good and I'm happy.

So how does one cope with the "body falling apart after you had a baby-itis"?

Because I am nursing Isla, I choose not to take pain relievers. Sure, if I am in serious pain, I will thrown down an Advil. But I have to be pretty sore to do that. What I have found helps is this: keep moving! On days when I've woken up stiff and sore then run I know I'm in for it if I sit around all day. Now, if I keep my body busy, I'm feeling much better the next day. So my solution has been to do some light yoga or Wii Fit activities following my run. This helps my body stretch and stay limber. I'm not guaranteeing a huge relief, just a difference you'll notice.

Also, remember to keep hydrated. It helps your joints and muscles recover!

Have you found anything that works for you when you're particularly sore?

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