Thursday, January 6, 2011

Having Fun....Running too...

We've been pretty busy and crazy this fall. We ran White Rock together (more on that later).

We made Christmas cookies together (with all 4 kids) for the first time in 15 years. Amanda and Amanda style.
Yes. That's a kitchen wall. And yes. That's a cookie stuck to it. "Oh Amanda, what naughty children you have. How could you let your children throw a cookie on to your kitchen wall?" wasn't a kid that did it. It was a 32 year old Amanda that did it. Because, you see, back in the good old days (aka when we were teenagers), we'd frost all of Amanda P's mom's cookies for her. It was an industialized (or maybe institutionalized) setting. "Girls...frost with THESE colors and use THESE sprinkles...ONLY do this." And there were hundreds of cookies. So being Amanda and Amanda...we made fun where there was none. We'd frost 20, throw one. Can it stick to the ceiling? How long before it falls? Do the ones with sprinkles stick better or worse?

As we later learned, when Amanda P's parents re-did their kitchen...a Christmas cookie can remain stuck to a kitchen wall for at least 10 years.

We attended the casting call for Amazing Race. Really. With the baby. We're all going to be famous.

And because it has been the holiday season and we're moms living in America, we've had a little bit of stress. Just a little. So we've been there for each other...encouraging each other to run it out.

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