Sunday, April 18, 2010

Making Time For Mommy

Confession time: I haven't run in weeks.

Consequence: I feel terrible.

I miss running. Terribly. I miss it in the way I miss my mom's home cooking and the way my favorite jeans used to fit 6 months ago. Running felt good. Running felt like home.

I was driving the kids off to our Saturday marathon of soccer/lacrosse/birthday parties yesterday and half of my route was along my Saturday morning marathon route and I almost started crying. I missed the feel of those hills. The smell of the bushes on Jupiter road. My heart ached.

I haven't stopped running because I'm too pregnant or I feel badly. I just simply haven't made time for myself. My husband's work and travel schedule have kept him away from home for the last I don't even know how many Saturdays. My usual evening runs....overcome by Lacrosse/Soccer/Ice Skating practice or, it's been to stinkin' hot.

After my tearful turn on Saturday I decided that I MUST commit to myself again. I must somehow make time for myself, get those runs in somehow. Because it won't be long before I really CAN'T run again for a while.

How do you make time for yourself to do whatever it is that you love?

1 comment:

  1. You are NOT alone! My youngest is still not sleeping through the night, and he's not weaned, so I have to be there in the morning when he gets up, which has been just before 6 a.m. On Mon., Wed. and Fri. I might have an hour to run while he naps and the other two kids are at school. But I also have to cram in everything else that needs to be done around the house or errands I have to run (if my husband is working from home, I can sneak out). I could run after everyone's in bed by frankly I'm WAY too exhausted.

    I need to get back to running on a consistent basis because I feel so much better when I do. And I think it makes me a better parent.

    So if you figure out how to make time for yourself, let me know! ;)
