Monday, March 22, 2010

Inspirational Quotes: Amanda D's Style

I am one of those weirdos who LOVES inspirational quotes. When I was marathon training, my friend Marcy and I would text each other great running quotes the night before our long runs. I was surprised with how much it really did help.

Did you know, you can sign up to get have Runner's World e-mail you a Runner's Quote of the Day? I get them, and I really do love them, but my newest, most favoritest* quotes come from the announcer who was at the Dallas Rock n' Roll Half Marathon on Saturday.

First, know this. Amanda D. won't ever be up in corral 1, 2, 3. If it's a small race maybe I'm in 4. But for big races, I tend to be in corral, oh, 11 of 15. So as we're sitting at the race, waiting 30 minutes for our corral to be fired off, the announcer gets us all highly motivated:

"Here comes my favorite group of runners! Here, you go, here's the FUN crowd. The further back in the corrals you go, the more fun the people are. You don't see any party animals up there in corral 2."

"YOU GUYS HAVE THE RIGHT IDEA! You paid a lot of money for this race. The longer you're out there on that course, the more value you get for your dollar."

"What those guys up there in corral one and two don't understand is this; everybody gets a medal, and y'all get the SAME medal, and guess what, we got plenty of 'em! No Rush!"

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