Sunday, September 12, 2010

Post Baby Running- Women Running Dallas Texas

Jogging Baby, otherwise known as Isla Belle, was born via c-section on July 8. This has NOT been the easy-peasy recovery I was expecting! My friends have kindly reminded me that it's because I am much older this time around (hello, is 32 that old?!). My OB cleared me to run 7 weeks post baby. I went out for a spotty 1.5 mile run that week (run a mile, walk .5, run another .5) and noticed a good amount of pain in the area just above my incision, so I took another week off.

I addressed the issue with my OB who said that the pain is most likely completely normal. She said, "push through it". So I went back out for another jog on Friday, at 9 weeks post baby.
The pain was still there, but I found when I pushed through it, it disappeared just past mile two. I managed to do almost 3 miles.
Isla Belle post 3 miler, chillin' in the BoB Revolution!

So how did it feel to run those first three miles?

Hard. Painful. Exhausting. Not going to lie. That night, my knees KILLED. My back hurt. My shoulders hurt! "Why does everything HURT?" I asked Amanda P. Her reply, "relaxin". The lovely hormone that keeps your joints loose and spongy while your pregnant, to allow for birth, are the same ones that post baby can make you prone to injury and hurt. By Saturday I felt more pain. Especially in my abs, neck, shoulders and...TOES!I did some gentle walking and normal house work, nothing crazy. Today, Sunday, everything feels fine. I plan to go for a nice, brisk walk and maybe a light jog tonight. Tomorrow will be a walk only day.

Another interesting thing...I dehydrated much faster than I thought. Granted it was very hot Friday morning. However, I consumed a whole bottle of water before the run, one on the run, another immediately following, and a G2. Through the day I felt like I couldn't drink enough. This will be a challenge, I know!

I plan to write about what it's like to run after having a baby, post c-section exercise, and doing it while exclusively breast feeding. I hope to learn a lot about nutrition and how to take care of your body as a running mom.

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